Types Of Leave Rules For AP Government Employees

Types of New Leave Rules for AP Govt Employees

When applying for leave, the applicant must provide information on the duration, type, and location of the leave. If the leave is sought on medical grounds, the applicant must attach the relevant medical certificates to the application.

As per F.R.69, when a Government servant is on leave, they are not permitted to engage in any other service or establish a private practice unless they have obtained prior permission from the competent authority.

what happens if i don't use my leaves

During their service, all regular employees, including both superior and Class IV employees, are entitled to surrender 15 days of earned leave in each financial year and receive an equivalent amount of cash benefit equal to their leave salary for a full 15/30 days.

Temporary and emergency employees, on the other hand, are eligible to surrender 15 days of earned leave after completing 24 months of service in the first instance. Thereafter, they can surrender an additional 15 days of earned leave during alternate financial years.


Employees are entitled to earn 20 days of leave for each completed year of service. There is no upper limit on the accumulation of leave, and eligible leave can be granted all at once.


Permanent and approved probationers : Not exceeding 5 years including other kinds of leave.

ProbationersThree months ordinarily

The grant of Extraordinary Leave (EOL) is approved by the Government

  1. Employees who have completed at least three years of service and possess a valid medical certificate are permitted to take sick leave for up to six months.
  2. Employees who have served for a period of one year or more and require treatment for tuberculosis (T.B.) or leprosy are eligible for sick leave for up to 18 months, whether treated as an inpatient or outpatient. This requires a valid medical certificate from an authorized medical officer.
  3. Employees who require treatment for cancer or mental illness are eligible for sick leave for up to 12 months, with a valid medical certificate from a recognized institute or doctor
  4. Employees who wish to pursue studies that are certified to be in the public interest may take a leave of up to 24 months. Similarly, employees belonging to the Scheduled Castes (SC) and Scheduled Tribes (ST) may take leave to join an examination or training course at a government-notified center for the required period. 

  5. In both cases, the employee must have completed at least one year of continuous service before proceeding on leave.


  • Earned leave : The amount of earned leave granted is equivalent to the full pay drawn by the employee before proceeding on leave
  • Leave on half pay : If an employee proceeds on leave on half pay, they will be granted leave pay equivalent to half of their pay before proceeding on leave. 
  • However, if the leave is for medical reasons such as tuberculosis, leprosy, cancer, mental illness, heart disease, or renal failure and is supported by a medical certificate, the employee may receive full pay for up to 6 months during their entire service.
  • Leave not due : Equal to half pay.
  • EOL : No leave salary.


  • This leave is granted only by the government to both permanent and temporary government servants who are disabled due to injury intentionally inflicted or caused or as a result of the performance of official duties or their official position. 
  • The leave is granted on the basis of a medical certificate issued by the competent medical authority for a maximum period of 24 months for any one disability. 
  • Leave salary equal to leave on full pay is payable for the first 120 days for permanent employees and 30 days for temporary employees, and half pay for the remaining period without debiting any leave account. 
  • If the employee requests payment of leave salary on full pay, full pay will be paid for the period of earned leave admissible (maximum 120 days) and half of the period will be debited in the earned leave account. 
  • However, it is important to note that disability caused in road accidents while traveling to and from the office is not considered eligible for this leave, but disability caused in road accidents while on official duty is considered eligible.


  • The grant of Study Leave is solely at the discretion of the Government, and is provided to Government servants for the purpose of studying scientific, technical, or other similar subjects. 
  • This leave can be availed for a period of up to 2 years in the entire service, provided the employee has completed at least 5 years of service. 
  • If it is combined with leave with allowances, the total period should not exceed 28 months, as per Rule 2 of the Study Leave rules. 
  • The employee is eligible to avail EOL along with this leave, without any limit, as mentioned in the note under Rule 13 of the Study Leave rules. During the period of leave, the employee will receive leave salary on half pay, as per Rule 12.


  • Maternity leave is not debited from the leave account. It is granted to married female employees for a period not exceeding 120 days for each childbirth and not exceeding 6 weeks in case of abortions, including miscarriage and termination of pregnancy under the Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act, 1971, on the basis of a medical certificate issued by the competent medical officer. 
  • Maternity leave for childbirth is to be granted to female Government servants with less than two surviving children. This leave can be combined with other kinds of leave. 
  • If this leave falls during vacation, only the residue of 120 days will be sanctioned as maternity leave. Leave salary payable is equal to leave salary on full pay.


  • Casual leave is a benefit provided to government employees to allow them to be absent from work for a short period without it being considered as leave. The maximum duration of casual leave that can be taken in a calendar year is 15 days. 
  • Any unused portion of this leave will expire at the end of the calendar year. Casual leave may be combined with optional holidays, Sundays, or other authorized public holidays, as long as the total duration of the absence does not exceed 10 days.
  • A government servant can also be granted casual leave for half a day, either from 10:30am to 1:30pm or from 2:00pm to 5:00pm.


Occasion Amount of leave
For family planning operations: Male -Vasectomy
6 working days
For family planning operations: 2nd – operation
6 working days
Female – Tubectomy
14 days
Male – for tubectomy of wife
7 days
2nd operation(permissible when the doctor certifies that the first operation was a failure)
7 days
Insertion of intrauterine contraceptive
1 day on the day of IUD insertion


Casual leave cannot be combined with regular leave, joining time, or vacation. However, special casual leave can be taken between two spells of leave if it is certified by a doctor.

Leave Salary vs Duty Salary

Leave salary is paid when you are on leave. It is not the same as regular salary. There are some conditions on how leave salary is paid. It is paid according to those conditions.

  • When you are on leave, the basic salary is always the same as it was before you went on leave. The salary increase that happens while you are on leave starts from the day you return to duty. Depending on the type of leave, you will be paid full salary or half salary.
  • The basic salary that increases due to increments, PRCs, AASs, and promotions will be paid only after you return from leave.
  • DA is paid on a percentage basis on the basic salary. So, if you are paid full salary, you will get full DA. If you are paid half salary, you will get half DA.
  • HRA is paid depending on the location. However, whether you are paid full salary or half salary, HRA is always paid in full. However, this is only for up to 180 days. If you continue to be on leave for more than 180 days, HRA will not be paid in full.
  • In the same way, if an employee is on leave for 180 days, his/her post is considered vacant. So, it can be filled up. Similarly, if an employee is on leave for 180 days, he/she must be posted. So, it can be given in the same place. Or it can be given in a different place.
  • Personal pays such as those given for additional qualifications, family planning incentive increments are paid when you are on leave. (These personal pays are for those who have been in service before 1999.)
  • Special pays and allowances related to duty are not paid when you are on leave. For example, typist allowance, PH allowance, uniform allowance are not paid when you are on leave.

We must understand that leave salary and duty salary are different.

Earned Leave

  • Earned leave is a type of leave that is granted to government employees in Andhra Pradesh. It is a form of paid leave that employees can use to take time off from work.
  • The amount of earned leave that is accrued by government employees in Andhra Pradesh depends on their length of service. Employees who have less than five years of service are entitled to 15 days of earned leave per year. Employees who have more than five years of service are entitled to 30 days of earned leave per year.
  • Earned leave can be taken in whole or in part. Employees can also carry over unused earned leave from one year to the next. However, the maximum amount of earned leave that can be carried over is 300 days.
  • 1 Day EL = 1 Day Salary

గ్రామ సచివాలయ ఉద్యోగులకు ELs ను Surrender చేసుకునే ఆప్షన్ DDO Herb లాగిన్ లో ఇవ్వబడినది.

  • ఉద్యోగులు మీ యొక్క Line డిపార్ట్మెంట్ ద్వారా ELs Surrender చేసుకొనుటకు అప్లికేషను సబ్మిట్ చేసి Sanctioning ప్రొసీడింగ్స్ కాపీ ను మీ యొక్క DDO కి సబ్మిట్ చేసి బిల్ పెట్టుకోవచ్చు.
  • గరిష్టంగా రెండు ఆర్థిక సంవత్సరాలకు కలిపి 30 రోజులు ELs ను Surrender చేసుకోవచ్చు. వీటికి సంబంధించి SR Entry తప్పనిసరిగా ఉండవలెను.
  • Annual Surrender Leave కి సంబంధించిన బిల్స్ ప్రతి నెల 6 వ తేదీ నుండి 10 వ తేదీ వరకు మాత్రమే సబ్మిట్ చేసుకోవచ్చు.
  • 30 రోజులు Surrender చేస్తే ఒక నెల వేతనం పొందవచ్చు.

గమనిక: ఒక ఆర్థిక సంవత్సరంలో 15 ELs ను మాత్రమే Surrender చేసుకునే అవకాశం కలదు.

చైల్డ్ కేర్ లీవ్ ను పిల్లల వయస్సుతో సంబంధం లేకుండా ఎంటైర్ సర్విస్ లో వాడుకోవచ్చా?

దీనికి ఇప్పటి వరకు వచ్చిన ఉత్తర్వులు 3:
1. GO 132 (2016)
2. GO 33 (2022)
3. GO 199 (2022)

1 లో చైల్డ్ కేర్ లీవ్ 60 రోజుల వరకు (కనీసం 3 విడతలలో) మంజూరు చేయుటకు ఉత్తర్వులు వచ్చాయి. అందులోనే 18 సం లలోపు పిల్లలు ఉన్న తల్లులకు ఇది వర్తిస్తుంది అలాగే 22 సం లోపు వికలాంగ పిల్లలు ఉన్న తల్లులకు వర్తిస్తుంది అని ఇచ్చారు

2 లో పైన ఒకటి లో ఇచ్చిన ఉత్తర్వులలో అన్నీ కండిషన్ లను అలాగే ఉంచుతూ, 60 రోజుల పరిమితిని 180 రోజులు చేశారు (ఇక్కడ కనీసం 3 స్పెల్ లను అలాగే ఉంచారు)

3 లో .. ఈ 180 రోజుల పెంపు ఉత్తర్వులు 10 స్పెల్ లకు మించకుండా వాడుకోవాలి అని మార్పులు చేశారు

ఇక్కడ గమనించవలసిన నోట్ ఏంటంటే, ఉద్యోగి తన ఎంటైర్ సర్విస్ లో, తన పిల్లల వయస్సు 18 సం నిండనంత వరకు (22 సం వికలాంగ పిల్లల విషయంలో) దీనిని వాడుకోవచ్చు.

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