Auxiliary Nurse and Midwives (ANM)-Syllabus (100 Marks): 

Maternal Health : 

I. Basic maternal health services for Pregnant Women-(6)
                 1. Registration, Investigations, Medication,Counselling
                 2. V/UHSND & V/UHSNC
                 3. MCP card –
II. Deliveries – (2)
III. Schemes-
       1. PradhanaMantriMatruVandanaYojana (PMMVY) -(2)
       2. JananiSurakshaYojana (JSY) -objectives (2)
       3. JananiSisuSurakshaKaryakram (JSSK) -components (2)
Iv. Maternal Health programs – 
                  1. Maternal death Surveillance Response (MDSR)(2)
                  2. Anaemia Mukt Bharat (AMB) Program(2)
                        a. Intensified National Iron Plus Initiative (I-NIPI)
                  3. PoshanAbhiyan
                  4. PradhanMantriSurakshitMatritvaAbhiyan (PMSMA)(2)
                  5. Comprehensive Abortion Care (CAC) services
                  6. SUMAN program(1)
V. Pre-conception & Pre-natal Diagnostics Techniques (PC & PNDT) Act – filed
    level implications -Portal(2)
VI. Referral management and transport -(2)
      108 ambulance services,104 Mobile Medical Units (MMUs)-Special ambulance
       services,Feeder ambulance services. TalliBidda express services
VII. Maternal Health Initiatives(2)
                 MatruSamman dresses importance and uses ,Safe delivery &
                 surgical kit, Safe Delivery Calendar in birth planning
Family Planning(2)
Family Planning Methods -Permanent Methods -Vasectomy, Tubectomy
Temporary Methods-Oral Contraceptive Pills, Chhaya, Condoms ,Injectables, EC
Pills,PPIUCD,Interval IUCD,Unmet needs
Child Health:
             1. MAA (Breast feeding IYCF) – Mothers Absolute Affection (1)
             2. HBNC  & HBYC – Home Based Newborn Care & Home Based care for Young                   Child.(1)
             3. SNCU & NRCs (Referrals and follow ups) – Special Newborn Care Units &                         Nutrition Rehabilitation Centres.(2)
             4. SAANs – Social Awareness & Action to Neutralise Pneumonia (1)
             5. AnemiaMukt Bharat (Intensive National Iron +Initiative +PoshanAbhiyan(2)
             6. IDCF Intensified Diarrhoea Control Fortnight (1)
             7. Vitamin – A(1)
             8. IMNCI Integrated Management of Neonatal and Child hood Illness (2)
             9. CDR, ILL
Immunization: (3)
Routine Immunization-Vaccine preventable diseases- Immunization schedule
AEFI-Disease surveillance -Covid 19 Vaccination
Nutrition: NRCs and kitchen gardens

Comprehensive new born screeninglCNBS)-4 Ds Sereening & DEIC referrals
IFA supplementation, NDD(4)
RashtriyaKishoreSwas thyaKaryakram(Adolescent Health Care)
             1. Peer Educationconcept and importance-(2)
             2. Adolescent Friendly Health Services(2)
             3. Menstrual Hygiene Scheme(2)
             1 .Registers and Reports- RCH Register- HMIS-CSSM
             2. GOI portals and web based reporting system.-RCH Portal (ANMOL)- NCD                        IDSP
NVBDCP (Nation Vector Born Diseases Control Programme)(2)
1. Malaria-Dengue-Chicken Guinea- Lymphatic Filariasis- JE-Zika, Plague, etc

  •  Surveillance Operations-Diagnosis and Treatment
  •  Vector Control Operations/ Integrated Vector Management

2. Water Born Diseases-Cholera- Jaundice- Diarrhea- Typhoid-(2)
3. Air Born Diseases– Swine Flu- COVID 19   (2)
4. Zoonatic Diseases-Rabbis- Anthrax              (2)
5. Bacterial Diseases- Tuberculosis(NTEP)- Leprosy(WHO classification,
   ACD & RS survey, SPARSA Programme   (3)
6. IDSP and IHIP-             (2) 

NPCDCS: ( Nation Programme for Prevention and Control of Cancer, Diabetes,
Cardiovascular Diseases and Stroke) (2)
Introduction to Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs):
              I. Population Based Sereening of Non-Communicable Diseases and Role of                         ANM(2)
              II. Risk factors for Non-Communicable Diseases(2)
              III. Diabetes&Hypertension(2)
              IV. Cancers- Cervical Cancer – Breast Cancer – Oral Cancer  —(2)
National Tobacco Control Programme(2)
TOFEI Tobacco Free Educational Institutions
National Oral Health Programme (NOHP)
National Mental Health Programme (NMHP)(2)
National lodine Deficiency Disorders Control Programme (NIDDCP) (2)
National Programme for Prevention & Control of Fluorosis (NPPCF(2)
National Programme for Palliative care (NPPC)(2)
National Programme for healthcare of Elderly(NPHCE)(2)
National Programme for the Prevention & Control of Deafness (NPPCD)(2)
National programme for control of Blindness & Visual Impairment (NPCBV)(2)
National Programme on Climate Change & Human Health (NPCCHH)(2)

S NO Name of the post Method of recruitment Qualifications
Multipurpose Health Assistant (Male)
By direct recruitment
Must have passed intermediate or any other equivalent qualificationand A Sanitary Inspector Training Course Certificate awarded by the Chairman of the Board of Examiners constituted by the State Government
Multipurpose Health Assistant (Female)
By promotion
Must have put in a regular service of not less than 3 years in the category of Multipurpose Health Assistant (Female) Grade-IlI/ANM Grade-IlI and must be an Probationer in that category. For declaration of probation in the category of Multipurpose Health Assistant (Female) Grade-IlI/ ANM grade Ill, the individual has to pass the departmental test without books conducted by the APPSC within three years from date Appointment.
Multipurpose Health Assistant (Female) Grade-III/ ANM Grade-III
By Direct Recruitment
Must possess a Certificate of Multipurpose Health Workers Training Courses of 18/24 months conducted by the State Government andPhysical fitness for Camp life
Category Method of appointment
Multipurpose Health Extension Officer
By promotion from among the Multipurpose Health Supervisor (Male)
Multipurpose Health Supervisor (Male)
By promotion from among the Multipurpose Health Assistant (Male)
Multipurpose Health Supervisor (Female)
By promotion from among the Multipurpose Health Assistant (Female)
Multipurpose Health Assistant (Male)
By Direct Recruitment
Multipurpose Health Assistant (Female)
By promotion from among the Multipurpose Health Assistant (Female) Grade-Ill/ ANM Grade-Ill working in Secretariats
Multipurpose Health Assistant (Female) Grade- III/ANM Grade-III
By Direct Recruitment


The appointing authority for the posts of Multipurpose Health Extension Officer and Multipurpose Health Supervisor (Male & Female) shall be the Regional Director of Medical and Health Services concerned and for the post of Multipurpose Health Assistant (Male & Female) and Multipurpose Health Assistant (Female) Grade-III/ANM Grade-IIl of Village/ Ward Secretariats shall be the District Medical and Health Officer of the District concerned.


All the incumbents of the post of Multipurpose Health Extension Officer,
Multipurpose Health Supervisor (Male & Female) and Multipurpose Health
Assistant (Male & Female) and Multipurpose Health Assistant (Female) Grade-
III/ANM/MPHA(F) Grade-III shall not engage in private practice.

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