mgnrega scheme job card and payment details

mgnrega scheme job card and payment details


you ask? Well, it stands for Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act, and it is a flagship program of the Indian government that aims to provide at least 100 days of guaranteed wage employment in a financial year to every rural household whose adult members volunteer to do unskilled manual work. Sounds impressive, right?

What is the process of MGNREGA?

But how does it work? Well, first of all, you need to register yourself as a MGNREGA worker at your local Gram Panchayat office. You will then receive a job card, which is a document that contains your personal details, such as name, age, gender, bank account number, address, etc. It also has your photograph and a record of the work you have done under MGNREGA. You can check your job card online CLICK HERE  by entering your state, district, block and panchayat name.

work allocation for MGNREGA

Once you have your job card, you can apply for work at any time of the year. You will be allotted work within 15 days of your application, or else you will be entitled to an unemployment allowance. The work you will be assigned will be related to creating durable assets and strengthening the livelihood resource base of rural poor. Some examples of such work are digging wells, constructing roads, planting trees, etc.

What is the wage rate for MGNREGA?

You will be paid according to the schedule of rates fixed by the state government for different types of work. The minimum wage rate is Rs. 228 per day as of April 2023. You will receive your payment within 15 days of completion of work through direct bank transfer or post office account. You can check your payment status online CLICK HERE by entering your job card number and captcha code.

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