Must have passed Intermediate Vocational Course in Sericulture / B.Sc. with Sericulture / M.Sc., Sericulture


Written examination (Objective Type) No. of questions Duration (minutes) Maximum Marks
Part- A : General Studies and mental ability
Part-B: Sericulture

Note:- For each correct answer 1 mark will be awarded and each wrong answer will carry 0.25 negative mark.

1. General Mental ability and reasoning.
2. Quantitative aptitude including data interpretation.
3. General English.
4. Current affairs of regional, national and International importance.
5. General Science and its applications to the day to day life, Contemporary
development in science and Technology and information Technology.
6. History & Culture of India with specific focus on AP.
7. Indian polity and governance: constitutional issues, 73/74th Amendments,
public policy, reforms ad centre – state relations with specific reference to
Andhra Pradesh.
8. Society, Social justice, rights issues.
9. Physical geography of Indian sub-continent and Andhra Pradesh.
10. Key welfare & development schemes of Government of Andhra Pradesh.

Part B: Sericulture

Histo of Sericulture – Introduction Histo Silk Road

Morphology and Taxonomy of Mulberry- Introduction, Distribution of Mulberry ,
Mulberry varieties (G4), systematic position, morphology and Taxonomy of

Non-mulberry food plants: Tasar Eri and Muga

Soils and Preparation of Land- Introduction, types of soils and properties

Suitable soils for Mulberry, soil PH and reclamation, selection of land, land
preparation, soil erosion, Soil texture,Soil humus, soil moisture and conservation
Methods. Mechanization in mulberry cultivation.

Mulberry planting methods: Introduction – Introduction, selection of mulberry
varieties, Planting (Tree plantation) methods, sexual and asexual propagation

Mulberry Cultivation: Introduction, Cultural Practices, garden implements, weeds
and inter-cultivation, pruning and training, importance of water shed, methods of
irrigation, detailed study of Drip irrigation. 

Manures & Feftilizerc – Introduction, organic manures, types of fertilizers,
application methods and schedules, Detailed study of Vermi- compost.

Nutritive values of Mulberry leaf – Introduction, Bye products of Mulberry,
Medicinal and other use of mulberry, Contents of mulberry leaf

Non- Mulberry Silk Worms – Introduction,
Distribution, salient features of non-mulberry silkworms

Rearing House – Introduction, Site selection and types of rearing houses.

Rearing Equipment – Introduction, Equipment and uses, Mechanization for
large scale Sericulture.

Preparation for Rearing – Introduction, cleaning, preparation
disinfection, disinfectants and disinfection methods, maintenance
hygienic conditions during rearing and record maintenance

Environmental Conditions and Management – Introduction, Temperature,
humidity, air, light, Management of environmental conditions and various
devices used.

Economics of Silkworm rearing – Introduction, equipment required for 300
DFL’s shoot rearing and its economics, Economics of (CRC)Chawki Rearing
Centres. By products of silkworm rearing and their utilization.

Entrepreneurship Development (EDP):Introduction, Scope for Self
employment in Sericulture and Govt. Schemes for financial assistance.

EDP in Sericulture: Introduction, EDP in Mulberry Nurcery, CRC’S,
Grainage and Silk reeling and few success stories in sericulture.

Hatching and Brushing – Introduction, incubation of eggs, blue egg and black
boxing, hatching and hatching percentage, methods of brushing, Methods of leaf
harvesting, transportation and presetvation

Chawki Rearing – Introduction, Chawki rearing methods, quality of mulberry
leaf,leaf selection, feeding schedules, bed cleaning, spacing, moulting, Artificial diet.

Late age Rearing – Introduction, late age rearing methods (shoot rearing), quality
of mulberry leaf, leaf selection, feeding schedules, bed cleaning, spacing and

Spinning and Mounting – Introduction, ripening of worms, process of spinning,
mounting, types of mountages, environmental conditions, care during mounting,
cocoon harvesting, transport. Bye products of Rearing and value addition

Effective Rate of Rearing ( E.R.R.) – Introduction, calculation of E.R.R. by
weight, calculation of E.R.R. by number, calculation of L.C.R.(Leaf Cocoon Ratio)

 Bivoltine Rearing Technology- Introduction, Modern concepts, bivoltine
breeds/hybrids, rearing aspects and advantages of bivoltine Rearing

Silkworm Anatomy – Introduction, Silk glands, digestive system, reproductive
system of moths

Silkworm Diseases and Pest ma$agement -Introduction, protozoan,
bacterial, viral, and fungal diseases and management. Major and minor
pests and management, Integrated Disease and Pest Management( IDPM)

Seri Bio-Technology- Introdnctlon. Basics of Plant and Silkworm BioTechnologn Importance of breeding in Mulberry and Silkworm, Tissue culture. Sericulture Reasearch and  Devlopment Institutes in India.

Cfiology and anatomy of mulberry – Introduction, Structure of cell, cell
organelles Mitosis and meiosis Cell division Genetics, Mendal Laws, Anatomy of
leaf, stem and root

Farm Management- Introduction, Mulberry farming, raising saplings in nursery bed Integrated weed Management labour Management farm records.

Mulberry Diseases – Introduction, Fungal, Bacterial, Viral diseases and Nutrient deficiency  diseases and its control and remedial measures

Mulberry Pests – Introduction, Lepidopteron pests, Jassids, Thrips, Mites, Beetles Inteorated Disease and Pest Manaoement (IDPM)

Estimation of Leaf Yield – Introduction, methods of estimation in various plant
spacing systems.

 Raising and maintenance of chawki garden-Introduction, impoftance and
lackage of practices.

Economics of Mulberry cultivation – Introduction, Economics of Nursery,
Rain-fed cultivation, irrigated cultivation, vermi-compost, Economics of  1 acre irrigated

and  rain-fed Mulberry

Systematic Position ol Bombpt mori – Introduction, Systematic position and
classification, types of Silkworms

Morphology and life cycle of Bombpt mori- Introduction, study of life stages
and cycle, sex differences in larva, pupa and moth, metamorphosis

Parental Races – Introduction, Distribution, seed organization, races, Voltinism,

moultinism breeds/hybreeds brids in current use

Grainage Equipment – Introduction. Prerequisite of Grainage, Grainage model

building, equipment and uses disinfection grainage registers/records.

Grainage Operations – Introduction, selection of seed races, procurement,
transportation and preseruation of seed cocoons, synchronization, moth
emergence, sex sepAration, coupling and decoupling, ovi position

Seed Production – Introduction, preparation of layings, Sheet eggs, loose eggs,
mother moth examination, Surface sterilization, assessment of layings and
incubation of eggs.

Acid treatment and hibernation schedules – Introduction, types of eggs,
physical and chemical stimulants, types of acid treatment and hibernation
schedules of eggs

Seed Economics – Introduction , economics for 10 lakhs seed capacity

Silk Reeling Industry – Introduction, impoftance of reeling industry, scope and

Cocoon Quality and Cocoon Sorting – Introduction, physical and commercial
characters, properties of silk( Principles for assessment, Tactile and Numerical Tests,
Good cocoons Defective cocoons model  problems, model problems

Cocoon Stifling – Introduction, Stifling methods, storage of cocoons, ushnakoti,
sorting of cocoons, de flossing, Riddling, mixing

Cocoon cooking and Brushing – Introduction, Reeling water, cooking and
methods of cooking, Brushing and methods of Brushing

Reeling-Introduction, Reeling apparatus and Machines, Reeling water, re-reeling
, Silk Examination, Lacing and skeining, making of skeins , book making and baling Spun silk making and Non-mulberry cocoon reeling

Raw Silk Testing- Introduction, Testing Methods, Parameters, Standard Testing
appliances, Conditioning of Raw silk, classification of Raw silk

Reeling economics- Introduction, Economics of Charaka, cottage basin and
multi-end reeling machines, reeling records and uses.

Silk Dyeing – Introduction, Types of Dyes, Degumming, methods of dyeing. Bye
products of Reeling

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