The US Government Budget Deficit

Total US Government New Budget Deficit Spending 2024

The USDA’s 2024 budget proposal invests in creating jobs and opportunities in rural communities, lowering energy costs for Americans, strengthening food supply chains and the nutrition safety net, supporting underserved farmers and producers, restoring America’s advantage in agriculture, tackling the climate crisis while mitigating its ongoing impacts, and advancing environmental justice.

The budget requests $30.1 billion in discretionary budget authority for 2024, a $3.8 billion or 14-percent increase from the 2023 enacted level, excluding Food for Peace Title II Grants, which are included in the State and International Programs total. Resources provided through the 2024 Budget complement investments in conservation, forest management, and broadband deployment provided in the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and Inflation Reduction Act.

The USDA's 2024 budget focuses on key areas like:

  • Supports a Strong Nutrition Safety Net.
  • Builds and Protects a Fair and Resilient Food Supply Chain.
  • Connects More Rural Americans to High-Speed, Affordable, and Reliable Internet.
  • Invests in the Wildland Firefighting Workforce.
  • Reduces Catastrophic Wildfire Risk.
  • Increases Climate Resilience.
  • Lowers Energy Costs and Supports Building Clean Energy in Rural Communities.
  • Restores American Leadership in Agricultural Innovation and Research.
  • Promotes Climate Resiliency and Reduces Housing Insecurity in Rural Communities.
  • Supports the 2023 Farm Bill.


The Department of Commerce is responsible for promoting job creation, supporting international trade, and providing economic, environmental, and scientific information. The President’s 2024 budget for Commerce focuses on supporting American manufacturing, investing in critical economic development programs, supporting minority-owned businesses, and supporting the next generation of weather satellites.

The budget requests $12.3 billion in discretionary budget authority for 2024, a $1.3 billion or 11-percent increase above the 2023 enacted level. This budget will complement investments in high-speed Internet access and climate resilience provided by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, as well as significant investments to revitalize the domestic semiconductor industry provided by the CHIPS and Science Act, and additional support for climate resilience and science provided by the Inflation Reduction Act.

The President's 2024 budget proposal for Commerce focuses on:

  • Invests in American Manufacturing.
  • Promotes American Leadership in Inclusive Technological Development and Innovation.
  • Advances Climate Science.
  • Modernizes Research Facilities.
  • Advances the Next Generation of Weather Satellites.
  • Supports Offshore Wind Energy.
  • Conserves and Protects High-Priority Natural Resources.
  • Supports Minority-Owned Business to Narrow Racial Wealth Gaps.
  • Promotes Locally-Driven Strategies to Address Economic Distress.
  • Invests in Indigenous Communities.
  • Improves Economic Statistics.
  • Protects Critical and Emerging Technology.


The Department of Defense (DOD) plays a crucial role in safeguarding the United States’ vital national interests. Its 2024 budget proposal, presented by the President, aims to sustain and strengthen U.S. deterrence capabilities through a three-pronged approach: integrated deterrence, effective campaigning, and strategic investments for long-term advantages.

The budget request of $842 billion represents a 3.2% increase from 2023, reflecting the Administration’s commitment to fulfilling the goals outlined in the 2022 National Security and National Defense Strategies. This investment will enable the DOD to execute its critical mission and safeguard the nation’s future.

This budget prioritizes several key areas:

  • Promotes Integrated Deterrence in the Indo-Pacific and Globally.
  • Supports Ukraine, European Allies, and Partners.
  • Counters Persistent Threats.
  • Modernizes the Nuclear Deterrent.
  • Advances U.S. Cybersecurity.
  • Prioritizes the Care of Servicemembers and the DOD Civilian Workforce.
  • Fulfills America’s Commitment to Military Families.
  • Strengthens Programs to Prevent and Respond to Sexual Assault and Implement Military Justice Reform.
  • Promotes Energy Efficiency and Installation Resilience for Warfighting Operations.
  • Enhances Biodefense and Pandemic Preparedness.
  • Builds the Air Forces Needed for the 21st Century.
  • Optimizes U.S. Naval Shipbuilding and Modernization.
  • Supports a Ready and Modern Army.
  • Invests in Long-Range Fire Capabilities.
  • Increases Space Resilience.
  • Ensures Readiness Across America’s Armed Forces.
  • Optimizes Force Structure.
  • Supports Defense Research and Development (R&D) and the Defense Technology Industrial Base.
  • Strengthens the U.S. Supply Chain and Industrial Base.
  • Empowers Small Disadvantaged Businesses and Underserved Communities.


The Department of Education’s 2024 budget seeks to bridge the educational divide by making targeted investments in preschool, mental health support, disability services, higher education affordability, and workforce preparation. With a 13.6% increase over 2023, the $90 billion proposal aims to address inequitable barriers faced by underserved students and pave the way for a brighter future for all.

President Biden’s education budget prioritizes closing learning and funding gaps for disadvantaged students, expanding access to early childhood education, strengthening mental health resources in schools, and fostering seamless transitions between K-12, higher education, and the workforce. The $90 billion proposal represents a significant commitment to building a more equitable and prosperous future for American students.

Pre-K to -12th Grade Education

  • Invests in High-Poverty Schools.
  • Expands Access to High-Quality Preschool.
  • Bolsters Mental Health Supports for All Students.
  • Increases Support for Children with Disabilities.
  • Supports Full-Service Community Schools.
  • Addresses Critical Educator Shortages.
  • Supports Multilingual Learners.
  • Fosters Diverse Schools.

Education Beyond High School

  • Reimagines the High School to Higher Education Transition.
  • Improves College Affordability and Provides Free Community College.
  • Supports Students through Completion.
  • Expands institutional capacity at HBCUs, TCCUs, MSIs, and Community Colleges.
  • Invests in Services for Student Borrowers.

Office for Civil Rights

  • Strengthens Civil Rights Enforcement.


The Department of Energy’s (DOE) FY 2024 budget request, totaling $52 billion, signifies a 13.6% increase over FY 2023. This strategic investment prioritizes scientific research, clean energy infrastructure development, greenhouse gas emission reduction strategies, energy justice initiatives, and nuclear weapons stockpile modernization.

Powering America's Future: DOE's 2024 Budget Fuels Clean Energy, Climate Action, Nuclear Security

  • Advances Critical Climate Goals and Cuts Energy Prices for American Families.
  • Makes Historic Investments in Cutting-Edge Research at National Laboratories and Universities through the CHIPS and Science Act and Beyond and Invests in Climate Innovation.
  • Creates Jobs Building Clean Energy Infrastructure.
  • Reduces Industrial Emissions.
  • Strengthens Domestic and International Clean Energy Supply Chains.
  • Supports Energy Communities.
  • Advances Environmental Justice and Equity.
  • Reduces Health and Environmental Hazards for At-Risk Communities.
  • Strengthens the Cybersecurity and Resilience of the Energy Sector.
  • Strengthens the Nation’s Nuclear Security Enterprise.
  • Restores American Leadership in Arms Control and Nonproliferation.
  • Powers the Nuclear Navy.


Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) unveils a comprehensive plan tackling a multitude of critical issues. This roadmap to healthier lives expands access to affordable, quality healthcare while simultaneously lowering costs. It dramatically improves early childhood education, propels the Cancer Moonshot forward, and boldly transforms the landscape of behavioral healthcare, ensuring everyone has access to the care they need.

The budget also prioritizes preparedness for future pandemics, strengthens maternal health initiatives, and champions health equity for all. Additionally, it transforms the child welfare system, combats hunger and improves food safety, and bolsters crucial rural healthcare services. To fuel these ambitious goals, the budget requests a $144 billion discretionary budget authority for 2024, representing a significant $14.8 billion or 11.5% increase compared to 2023 levels (excluding specific funding shifts for Indian Health Services).

Key initiatives

  • Expands Access to Quality, Affordable Healthcare.
  • Reduces Drug and Other Healthcare Costs for All Americans.
  • Protects and Strengthens Medicare.
  • Expands Access to Affordable, High-Quality Early Care and Education.
  • Advances Progress toward Cancer Moonshot Goals.
  • Transforms Behavioral Healthcare.
  • Invests in Community Health Centers and the Nation’s Healthcare Workforce.
  • Supports Family Planning Services for More Americans.
  • Guarantees Adequate and Stable Funding for IHS.
  • Prepares for Future Pandemics and Other Biological Threats and Strengthens Public
    Health Systems.
  • Advances Maternal Health and Health Equity.
  • Supports Rural Health.
  • Invests in the Treatment and Prevention of Infectious Diseases.
  • Reduces Hunger and Diet-Related Chronic Diseases and Improves Food Safety.
  • Advances Child and Family Well-Being in the Child Welfare System.
  • Supports Survivors of Domestic Violence and Other Forms of Gender-Based Violence.
  • Supports America’s Promise to Refugees.
  • Reduces Home Energy and Water Costs.


The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is the umbrella organization responsible for safeguarding the United States from a wide range of threats and hazards. This includes protecting the nation from terrorism, both foreign and domestic, as well as securing its borders and enforcing immigration laws. DHS also plays a vital role in cybersecurity, ensuring the safety of critical infrastructure and defending against cyberattacks. Additionally, the department is responsible for disaster preparedness and response, working to mitigate the effects of natural disasters and helping communities recover.

The President’s 2024 budget proposal for DHS reflects the department’s diverse and critical responsibilities. The budget allocates $60.4 billion in discretionary funding, which represents a slight decrease from the 2023 enacted level. However, when accounting for certain factors such as changes to passenger security fees, the budget actually represents a two-percent increase compared to 2023. The proposal also includes a $4.7 billion Southwest Border Contingency Fund, which would provide additional resources to address potential surges in migration.

Overall, the President’s budget for DHS prioritizes key areas such as climate resilience, cybersecurity, maritime security, and border management. These investments are essential for keeping the United States safe and secure in the face of ever-evolving threats.

Key initiatives

  • Supports a Fair, Orderly, and Humane Immigration System.
  • Enhances Border Security and Immigration Enforcement.
  • Addresses the Situation at the Southwest Border.
  • Invests in Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Protection.
  • Invests in Climate, Health, and Natural Disaster Resilience.
  • Modernizes TSA Pay and Workforce Policies.
  • Invests in Sustainability and Conservation.
  • Enhances America’s Presence in the Arctic Region.
  • Supports 2024 Presidential Campaign Security.


Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) prioritizes tackling America’s housing crisis through a multi-pronged approach. It aims to expand access to affordable housing for low-income families and underserved borrowers by bolstering rental assistance programs and increasing housing supply. The budget also dedicates resources to ending homelessness, preventing housing discrimination, and modernizing existing affordable housing units to make them more energy efficient and climate resilient. Additionally, it targets investments towards strengthening communities facing underinvestment, fostering a more equitable and sustainable housing landscape across the nation. This $73.3 billion budget proposal represents a $1.1 billion increase from 2023, underscoring the Administration’s commitment to making safe, decent, and affordable housing a reality for all Americans.

Key initiatives

  • Expands Access to Affordable Rent through the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Program.
  • Increases Affordable Housing Supply to Reduce Costs.
  • Reduces Costs for New Homeowners and Expands Access to Homeownership.
  • Advances Efforts to End Homelessness.
  • Prevents Eviction.
  • Advances Equity by Preventing and Redressing Housing Discrimination.
  • Improves the Quality of HUD-Assisted Housing.
  • Reduces Lead and Other Home Health Hazards for Vulnerable Families.
  • Supports Economic Development and Removes Barriers to Affordable Housing.
  • Invests in Affordable Housing in Tribal Communities.


Department of the Interior (DOI) charts a bold course for stewardship of America’s natural treasures and cultural heritage. It honors commitments to tribal nations, tackles climate change and protects environmental resources, fosters racial and economic justice, empowers U.S. Territories, and prioritizes healthy lands and waters that create good jobs.

This budget signifies a significant investment, requesting $18.8 billion in discretionary authority, a 9.3% increase compared to 2023. It strategically shifts certain funding streams to ensure long-term stability and builds upon the historic investments secured in the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and Inflation Reduction Act for critical areas like wildfire management, tribal programs, ecosystem restoration, national parks, and abandoned mine land reclamation.

Key pillars of the budget

  • Invests in Tribal Communities to Honor Trust and Treaty Responsibilities.
  • Commits to Tribal Water Rights Settlements Funding.
  • Strengthens Climate Resilience for Communities and Ecosystems.
  • Invests in the Wildland Firefighting Workforce.
  • Mitigates the Risk of Catastrophic Wildfires.
  • Increases Access to Nature and Parks.
  • Accelerates Clean Energy Development on Public Lands.
  • Creates Jobs Remediating and Reclaiming Abandoned Wells and Mines.
  • Advances Climate Science.
  • Increases Permitting Capacity.
  • Invests in Addressing the Biodiversity Crisis.


Department of Justice (DOJ) prioritizes safeguarding America and its people by tackling critical issues like gun violence, terrorism, and cyber threats. The $39.7 billion budget, representing a 5.9% increase, fuels initiatives to combat crime, protect vulnerable groups, and strengthen legal systems. This includes bolstering anti-violence efforts, safeguarding civil rights, implementing criminal justice reforms, improving the immigration court system, and boosting antitrust enforcement. Through these investments, the DOJ aims to uphold the law, ensure justice, and build a safer, more equitable nation.

Key initiatives

  • Invests in Federal Law Enforcement to Combat Gun Violence and Other Violent Crime.
  • Supports State, Local, and Tribal Law Enforcement and Public Safety.
  • Reinvigorates Federal Civil Rights Enforcement.
  • Prioritizes Efforts to End Gender-Based Violence.
  • Reforms the Federal Criminal Justice System.
  • Reforms the Juvenile Justice System.
  • Counters Cyber Threats.
  • Improves Immigration Courts.
  • Bolsters Antitrust Enforcement.


Department of Labor (DOL) prioritizes four key areas: empowering workers with essential skills, safeguarding their rights and well-being, strengthening a vital support system like Unemployment Insurance, and ultimately, propelling the creation of good, middle-class jobs. This ambitious request seeks $15.1 billion in discretionary budget authority, marking a significant $1.5 billion increase (11%) compared to 2023. It’s a clear message: investing in America’s workers is not just an economic imperative, but a moral one, paving the way for a brighter future filled with secure employment, fair wages, and opportunities for advancement.

Key initiatives

  • Empowers and Protects Workers.
  • Expands Penalties when Employers Violate Workers’ Rights to Organize, Receive Fair Wages, and Have a Safe and Healthy Workplace Free from Discrimination.
  • Calls for Paid Sick Leave for All Workers.
  • Expands Access to Paid Family and Medical Leave.
  • Expands Workforce Training that Provides Pathways to Good Jobs.
  • Strengthens Mental Health Parity Protections.
  • Expands Access to Registered Apprenticeships.
  • Supports Community Colleges in Providing High-Quality Training.
  • Expands Employment Protections for Military Spouses.
  • Modernizes, Protects, and Strengthens UI.
  • Supports Legacy Energy Communities.


Department of State, USAID (U.S. Agency for International Development ), and other international programs in its 2024 budget. The $70.5 billion request represents a 11% increase over the 2023 enacted level, and reflects the administration’s commitment to advancing a free, secure, and prosperous world through partnerships with allies and tackling shared global challenges.

The bulk of the funding, $63.1 billion, would be directed towards State and USAID, representing a 9% or 13% increase depending on whether emergency funding shifted in 2023 is included. This increase prioritizes critical areas like diplomacy, development, and foreign assistance. Additionally, the budget allocates $4 billion for international programs at the Department of the Treasury, marking a substantial 71% boost compared to 2023.

The 2024 budget aims to leverage partnerships and public-private financing initiatives like the Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment (PGII) to catalyze positive change in areas like climate change, economic development, and global health.

Key initiatives

  • Out-Competes China and Asserts U.S. Global Leadership.
  • Advances PGII.
  • Increases Global Energy Security, Infrastructure, and Resilience.
  • Bolsters American Leadership in Global Health.
  • Deepens Alliances and Partnerships in the Indo-Pacific.
  • Makes Transformative Investments in High-Quality International Infrastructure.
  • Strengthens International Digital Connectivity.
  • Advances Gender Equity and Equality Around the World.
  • Reinforces Collective Action to Address Global Challenges.
  • Builds Security and Prosperity in Central America and Haiti.
  • Bolsters Hemispheric Economic Investment and Migration Management Efforts.
  • Strengthens Democracy and Defends Human Rights Globally.
  • Sustains U.S. Leadership on Refugee and Humanitarian Issues, including Addressing Food Insecurity.
  • Counters Malign Influence.
  • Deepens Engagement with Africa.
  • Supports De-Escalation and Integration in the Middle East.
  • Protects Afghan Allies.
  • Sharpens America’s Tools of Statecraft.


Department of Transportation (DOT) aims to build upon the historic Bipartisan Infrastructure Law by investing in a safe, equitable, reliable, and modern transportation system for the United States. This includes tackling major infrastructure projects, improving safety for drivers and pedestrians, expanding sustainable transportation options, boosting freight movement, and addressing critical transportation needs in local communities.

The budget proposes $27.8 billion in discretionary funding, a 6.7% increase from 2023 (excluding one-time spending). Additionally, it includes $80.3 billion in contract authority and obligation limitations, and $36.8 billion in emergency-designated advance budget authority for infrastructure investments.

Key initiatives

  • Continues Implementation of the President’s Historic Bipartisan Infrastructure Law
  • Ensures a Safe and Efficient Passenger and Freight Rail Network.
  • Advances Long-Stalled Significant Transportation Projects.
  • Supports the Nation’s Transit Systems.
  • Addresses the Roadway and Pedestrian Safety Crisis.
  • Tackles 21st Century Aviation Challenges.
  • Moves Goods More Quickly through the Nation’s Ports and Waterways.
  • Invests in Merchant Mariner Training.


The Department of the Treasury plays a crucial role in upholding a strong economy and safeguarding the financial system. Their focus centers around five key areas: economic growth, financial stability, combating crime, responsible government finances, and equitable access to services.

President Biden’s 2024 budget proposal for the Treasury prioritizes fairness and robustness in the tax system, aiming to hold larger corporations and wealthy individuals accountable. It also seeks to enhance taxpayer experience, empower disadvantaged communities through development projects, job creation, and expanded credit access, while strengthening the department’s overall capacity to promote equity across its programs.

This budget includes a $16.3 billion discretionary budget authority request, representing a 15% increase compared to the 2023 level. This translates to a $2.1 billion boost in resources targeted towards achieving the Treasury’s multifaceted goals.

Key initiatives

  • Improves Taxpayer Experience and Supports a Fair and Equitable Tax System.
  • Expands Access to Credit to Underserved Communities.
  • Increases Corporate Transparency and Safeguards the Financial System.
  • Strengthens Enterprise Cybersecurity.
  • Restores Critical Agency Capacity.


The President’s 2024 budget honors America’s commitment to veterans by investing in top priorities like world-class healthcare, mental health services, and initiatives to end veteran homelessness. The budget proposes $137.9 billion for immediate spending, a $3 billion increase, and $20.3 billion for the Cost of War Toxic Exposures Fund. Additionally, it includes $112.6 billion in advance funding for 2025 medical care programs. This budget aims to enhance veterans’ well-being, support their families, and improve their access to benefits and services.

Key initiatives

  • Expands Healthcare, Benefits, and Services for Environmental Exposures.
  • Prioritizes VA Medical Care.
  • Supports the President’s Cancer Moonshot Initiative.
  • Prioritizes Veterans’ Mental Health Services and Suicide Prevention.
  • Supports Women Veterans’ Healthcare.
  • Bolsters Efforts to End Veteran Homelessness.
  • Invests in Caregivers Support Programs.
  • Invests in Overdose Prevention and Treatment Programs.
  • Honors the Memory of All Veterans.
  • Invests in Critical Veteran Medical Facilities.
  • Modernizes VA Information Technology.


The Army Corps of Engineers, through its Civil Works program, oversees the development, management, restoration, and protection of water resources across the United States. This diverse role involves building, operating, and maintaining water infrastructure projects, implementing regulations for development in federal waterways, and partnering with other agencies to support communities vulnerable to floods and natural disasters. President Biden’s 2024 budget proposal for the Corps prioritizes high-yielding projects, advances environmental justice, strengthens infrastructure against climate change, and bolsters the nation’s supply chain at both coastal ports and inland waterways.

The allocated budget for 2024 totals $7.4 billion in discretionary funding, supported by an additional $1 billion for operation and maintenance and $50 million for construction, both facilitated by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law.

Key initiatives

  • Invests in High Return Projects.
  • Improves the Nation’s Infrastructure.
  • Strengthens Supply Chains at Coastal Ports and Inland Waterways.
  • Increases Climate Resilience.
  • Promotes Environmental Justice.
  • Restores Aquatic Ecosystems.
  • Invests in Research and Development (R&D).


The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) aims to safeguard both human health and the environment. To empower the agency in fulfilling its crucial mission, the 2024 presidential budget proposes significant funding. This budget requests $12 billion in discretionary authority, representing a substantial 19% increase compared to the previous year’s allocation. This boost in resources will further enable the EPA to tackle critical issues like clean air and water protection, climate change mitigation, and promoting environmental justice for all.

Key initiatives

  • Restores Critical Capacity to Carry Out EPA’s Core Mission.
  • Tackles the Climate Crisis with Urgency.
  • Advances Environmental Justice.
  • Upgrades Drinking Water and Wastewater Infrastructure Nationwide.
  • Supports the President’s Goal of Replacing All Lead Pipes.
  • Protects Communities from Hazardous Waste and Environmental Damage.
  • Tackles Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) Pollution.
  • Ensures Safety of Chemicals for People and the Environment.
  • Enforces and Assures Compliance with the Nation’s Environmental Laws.


NASA, the agency tasked with exploring our solar system, understanding Earth and space, and improving aviation and space technologies, has released its 2024 budget proposal. This plan prioritizes human and robotic lunar missions, invests in cutting-edge space technologies, and drives environmental research through Earth-observing satellites and green aviation initiatives. The requested budget of $27.2 billion represents a significant increase of $1.8 billion or 7% compared to 2023.

Key initiatives

  • Supports the Artemis Program’s Next Great Achievements.
  • Advances Robotic Exploration of Mars.
  • Accelerates Green Aviation Innovation.
  • Leverages Scientific Advances to Address Key Challenges.
  • Expands the Reach of NASA Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Programming.
  • Prepares for the International Space Station’s Safe Transition.
  • Invests in Technology Advancements.
  • Addresses the Growing Problem of Orbital Debris.


The National Science Foundation (NSF) proposes a robust 2024 budget that aligns with the CHIPS and Science Act. This budget aims to solidify U.S. dominance in emerging technologies, diversify and bolster the STEM workforce, ignite R&D and infrastructure advancements, and tackle the climate crisis. To achieve these goals, the NSF requests a significant 18.6% increase, bringing the total proposed budget to $11.3 billion. This substantial investment demonstrates the agency’s commitment to propelling scientific progress and innovation in line with the Act’s strategic priorities.

Key initiatives

  • Ensures the Future Is Made in America.
  • Strengthens U.S. Leadership in Emerging Technologies.
  • Spurs Climate Research and Development.
  • Expands STEM Workforce and Advances Racial and Gender Equity in STEM.
  • Fosters Scientific and Technological Advances.
  • Strengthens the Nation’s Research Infrastructure.


The Small Business Administration (SBA) plays a crucial role in empowering small businesses and entrepreneurs across the country. Through its 2024 budget proposal, the Administration prioritizes investments in essential areas like counseling and training, access to capital, fostering innovation, and opening doors to lucrative government contracts. The proposed budget allocates $987 million in discretionary funds to fuel these initiatives and drive the success of our nation’s small businesses.

Key initiatives

  • Broadens Access to Capital for Small Businesses.
  • Expands Counseling and Training Resources.
  • Bolsters Support for Innovators.
  • Expands Opportunities for Veterans.


The Social Security Administration (SSA) plays a crucial role in supporting Americans. They provide essential benefits to retirees, survivors, individuals with disabilities, and those facing financial hardship. In the 2024 budget, the SSA seeks to enhance service delivery and promote equity, alongside the proposed nationwide paid family and medical leave program.

The budget request for the SSA stands at $15.5 billion, a 10% increase compared to 2023. This investment aims to strengthen the agency’s ability to serve its beneficiaries effectively and equitably.

Key initiatives

  • Protects the Benefits that Americans Have Earned.
  • Improves Service Delivery.
  • Provides National, Comprehensive Paid Family and Medical Leave.
  • Advances Equity and Accessibility.
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